Giugno 22, 2021

Learning, Teaching, Training Activity 23-25 June 2021

On 23-25 June 2021, the Belgian-Italian Chamber of Commerce will virtually host the second Learning, Teaching, Training Activity of the project “TESEO – Arianna’s Strands in the Digital Age”, financed by the European Commission in the framework of the ERASMUS+ Programme.

In the contemporary digital era, for innovation in media and business management to be lead and not to lead on its own, a qualified human capital must be invested in. TESEO aims at achieving two major objectives on a transnational EU scale: launching i) a second level University Master Course with a view to training the figure of Media Educator, and ii) an online Toolkit ‒ providing schools, universities and businesses with interactive multimedia contents ‒ with a view to boosting educational and work placement programmes promoting digital soft skills.

The 23-25 June activities ‒ pushing forward the implementation of the key objectives of the project ‒ consist of a series of participatory mini-lectures relating to neuromarketingdigital business marketingdigital business communicationand brand creation, the digitalization of business management systems and, not least, innovative promotion strategies for cultural enterprises connected to local territories.

The three-day event will also be attended by the students and professors of TESEO’s university partners: the Università degli Studi di Salerno, the Universitàt Pompeu Fabra of Barcelona, the Université Paul Valéry III of Montpellier, the Universidade Lusófona of Lisbon.

Moreover, the Belgian-Italian Chamber of Commerce, the Italian-German Chamber of Commerce of Munich and Stuttgart, and the Synthesis Center for Research and Education of Nicosia will equally join as TESEO partners they too.

Mini-lectures will thus be held by the representatives and guest speakers of each partner institution/organisation, namely by scholars as well as experts from private representative bodies, and practitioners.


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