Aprile 26, 2021

Learning, Teaching and Training Activity 27-29 April 2021

Topics such as innovation, digital communication and online presence keep on gaining in importance: 2020 has also made it more evident how important it is – for companies as well as universities and schools – to know and be able to use the “new media”. Precisely for this reason, ITALCAM is organizing, as part of the Erasmus+ project “TESEO – Ariadne’s Strands”, three days dedicated to the exchange of knowledge on these issues, focusing on digital marketing and digitalization of services and activities. The digital event will be held on 27-28 and 29 April 2021. ITALCAM staff members will speak about how services, events, projects and business activities have been reinvented virtually during the pandemic, but also communication experts and professionals will talk about brands, companies and storytelling. 

The event is aimed at the project partner universities and a selection of students interested in the topics. The themes of the event, divided into three days, will be as follows:

27.04: The focus is on those skills that are increasingly necessary to operate in the digital world, on which it is important to raise awareness not only of students and academic bodies, but also and above all of companies and institutional bodies. Therefore the main topic of discussion will be digital communication and how companies should use digital strategies to remain competitive. In this regard, practical examples will be presented, explaining how to adapt to the digital change accelerated by Covid. In addition, part of the toolkit developed by ITALCAM for the TESEO project will be tested to interactively convey the basic and necessary knowledge of digital marketing, social media marketing and territorial marketing.

28.04: On the second day all topics discussed on the previous day will be reviewed from a practical point of view. The German-Italian and Belgian-Italian Chambers of Commerce will discuss their projects concerning the promotion of the tourism and the food sectors for Italian companies interested in opening their business abroad. Finally, the other services offered by the Italian Chambers of Commerce Abroad will also be discussed, with particular attention to the areas of business services, European projects, and the organisation of events and training. 

29.04: Finally, on the third day, external speakers and industry professionals will address topics relevant to the world of digital media; they will move from the evolution of traditional media to the development of online communication, which has become inevitable nowadays, and finally they will touch upon the knowledge and skills (the so-called soft skills) required nowadays. 

These activities will aim to bring university students closer to the world of work, reminding them of the importance of digital skills, an area on which the TESEO project is developed. However, the activities implemented during the days will also be addressed to the other project partners, with the aim of letting them know what ITALCAM’s activities are and how they have evolved digitally. An evolution imposed by the global health emergency and the desire to keep up with the times, ensuring that we offer optimal services to our members and partners who rely on our expertise.


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